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Dietmar Grieser - All My Women

A gallery of portraits

28 Porträts von Frauen, die in Dietmar Griesers Leben auf diese oder jene Weise eine Rolle gespielt haben.

They flock his book launch presentations. At his lectures they stand in line for getting dedications and personalized autographs. And when they have finished reading his latest book they write him letters. Yes, women love him – and he loves them in return. But who are those others, whom Dietmar Grieser renders homage to when he is to himself, aside from his professional life. In twenty-eight sometimes very personal portraits he makes them take curtain calls: women who in certain phases of his life have meant a lot to him, have left a very special impression on him, perhaps have shaped him, in any case women who have secured themselves a permanent place in Dietmar Grieser’s memory. Women, whom he met personally and who have accompanied him for some time on the paths that led him through life, find themselves next to others, whose fate has won him over. And yet others whose picture he “only” got to know in literature, in music, in pieces of the Fine Arts or on film screens. Dietmar Grieser, the literary investigator: the man who found the bestseller gene. News

Book details

With many photographs
256 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701714469
Release date: 01.06.2006

License rights

  • World rights available
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Dietmar Grieser

born in Hannover in 1934, has been living in Vienna since 1957. The author of many bestsellers is member of the PEN-Club. He has been awarded, among others, the Eichendorff. Literature Prize, the Donauland Sachpreis, the Book Prize of the Vienna Industry, the Austrian decoration for Science and the Arts.


Überhaupt ist dieses Buch eine der schönsten Liebeserklärungen an Frauen überhaupt: an die ganz Normalen, an die Überdrehten, an die Diven und Nonnen, die Fräuleins und die, die es nur in der Phantasie gibt. (...) Herrlich zu lesen!

Eine unnachahmliche Mischung aus Emotion, Intimität und Distanz.
Pfälzischer Merkur

TV Media

[...] charmant, einfühlsam und witzig.
NÖ Nachrichten

Griesers Erfolg liegt auch in seiner präzisen Recherche, der Kürze der Geschichten (im Schnitt umfassen sie zehn Buchseiten) und einem geschickten Schreibstil: einfache Worte, betont sachliche Passagen in Journalistensprache paaren sich bruchlos mit der gefühlvollen Sprachwelt von Historienromanen.
Andrea Dittgen, Die Rheinpfalz

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