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Klaus Ebenhöh Wolfgang Popp - The Philosopher in the Pot

Thinking Eaters - Eating Thinkers

"Die erste Bedingung, dass Du etwas in Dein Herz und Deinen Kopf bringst, ist, dass Du etwas in Deinen Magen bringst." Ludwig Feuerbach

The one who is thinking a lot has to eat a lot, too. One thing is for sure: A slow metabolism attests mental lazyness! “Primum vivere, deinde philosophare”: First living, then philosophy. Freely adapted from Schopenhauer, this book follows philosophers through everyday life, to the place where it is most surprising and tasteful: to the dinner table. Out of letters, diary entries and side chapters of their main opus, the favourite dishes and the often obscure dinner rituals of the great thinkers are reconstructed. We accompany them on their culinary journeys through Europe and watch how nutrition left its marks in their philosophy or even influenced it significantly. You think like Nietzsche? Then why not eat like he did! Invite for a dinner marked by your favourite philosopher and amuse yourself at his favourite music with funny culinary anecdotes. Jean Anthèlme Brillat-Savarin, Ludwig Feuerbach, Immanuel Kant, Sören Kirkegaard, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, F. T. Marinetti, Michel de Montaigne, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Carl Friedrich von Rumohr, Jean Paul Satre, Arthur Schopenhauer.

Book details

256 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701730995
Release date: 02.09.2008

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  • World rights available
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Klaus Ebenhöh

Klaus Ebenhöh, born 1971 in Melk, studies of ethnology and journalism, numerous stays abroad, long lasting engagements in Brazil, freelance journalist, author and guide for study tours.

Wolfgang Popp

Wolfgang Popp, born in 1970 in Vienna, studies of sinology and history, stays in China, Vietnam and Burma, coultural editor at the austrian radiostation Ö1, freelance activity as documentarist and curator of exhibitions.


The book turns into a kind of “Sophie’s World” for epicureans whose prime maxime reads “Who thinks a lot, needs to eat a lot." NEWS, Christoph Wagner

A soothing blessing amidst a tremendous surge of new cookbooks! (…) This book is a safe tip for gourmets who like to think outside of their (lunch) box. SALZBURGER NACHRICHTEN, Peter Gnaiger

What a greatly cultivating pleasure to rise from menu to philosophy. KURIER, Peter Pisa

This compilation is (…) an entertaining, inspiriring introduction to the world of great philosophers. DER TAGESSPIEGEL

… With loads of illuminating accounts, footnotes, and recipes pertaining to the world of philosophy. ORF, Ö1

…tasty, appealing – a thorough joy to read! ERNÄHRUNG HEUTE

… it is interesting to learn about Pythagoras’ being a vegetarian, Kant’s love to indulge over intriguing dinner conversations, and Jean-Paul Sartre’s lust for tucking in. NEUES LAND