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Andrea Maria Dusl - Channel 8

A breathtaking love story full of transcendental beauty!

It is only by coincidence that Valentin, a successful TV journalist working for the international Parisian broadcasting network “Channel 8”, discovers that his disturbing dreams are in fact reality. Confused, he embarks on a search for the strange visions that haunt his nightly dreams. He travels to the city where these nightmares are obviously taking place: St. Petersburg. Valentin has an uncanny connection to a Russian artist, who makes her living as a pickpocket. The mundane reporter and the melancholic beauty dream of each other. Like two radio stations tuned to the same frequency, they each experience the life of the other in their dreams. Searching for the strange, yet familiar woman, the line between dream and reality begins to blur as both begin to cross boundaries that they never even thought existed. The ensuing love story between the two highly opposite characters turns into a balancing act between life and death.

Book details

220 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715329
Release date: 11.05.2010

License rights

  • World rights available
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Andrea Maria Dusl

born 1961, lives and works as illustrator, essayist and film director in Vienna, Prague and Knillehult in Styria.


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