Homepage / Christa Chorherr

Christa Chorherr

economist and author, was active in the management of international organisations and companies for many years.


Coverabbildung von 'Spiral of Fear'

Christa Chorherr - Spiral of Fear

How Fundamentalism and the Surveillance State Threaten Our Democracy

Terrorist attacks and radicalisation directly cause oppression in Western society. The fear of "Islam" is associated with the expansion of the surveillance state. But how does Islamist terrorism impact us? Are fears of "foreign infiltration" justified? Or do they rather serve as a pretext for massive government intervention in our freedom? Christa Chorherr tirelessly shows how big the dangers of Islamism and terrorism in Europe really are – and what the consequences are for us all: state "protection", which degenerates into the escalating use of endlessly collected personal data and which leads to the increasing loss of our privacy.