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Jan Jiracek von Arnim - Franz Liszt

Visionary and Virtuoso. A biography

A biography on the occasion of the composer’s 200th birthday.

Born in the year of the “Great Comet”, the path of this child prodigy from Raidling, Burgenland first led to Vienna and later Paris, the Mecca of the musical world at the time. There, Franz Liszt became highly successful as a piano virtuoso and led the life of a sought-after bohemian. Always searching for success as a composer, Liszt’s torn inner state marked his artistic development as much as his love affairs. After concert tours through all of Europe, he was appointed director of Weimar’s court orchestra, where he helped Richard Wagner’s opus achieve a breakthrough. Jan Jiracek von Arnim embarks on a fascinating journey exploring the composer’s life. He follows Liszt’s years on the road as a virtuoso, visionary, musical pioneer, superstar and soul-searcher as he takes a closer look at the person and musician. The result is this magnificent portrait of an exceptional artist.

Book details

232 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701732340
Release date: 19.05.2011

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  • World rights available
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Jan Jiracek von Arnim

born 1973 in Hannover, studied piano under Hans Leygraf in Salzburg and Berlin and won numerous competitions. Jiracek has had an international concert career and has been a professor for piano at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna since 2001. For further information, go to www.jiracek.com.


Wenn Pianisten wie Jan Jiracek von Arnim schreiben, haben sie naturgemäß einen anderen Zugang zu ihrer Materie, als etwa Musikologen oder wissenschaftliche Biographen. (...) ... er umreißt engagiert und in leicht und flüssig zu lesender Sprache den aberwitzigen Lebensweg...
MDR Figaro, Dieter David Scholz

Jan Jiracek von Armin hat eine schmale, aber umfassende Liszt-Biografie vorgelegt. Sie ist so lesenswert wie konzis, kein Jota schwärmerischer Exegese, aber auch keine Kleinmacherei.
DIE PRESSE, Wilhelm Sinkowicz

Jan Jiracek von Arnim liefert eine alle zentralen Aspekte von Liszts Leben abdeckende und diese angemessen einordnende Biografie, insgesamt erfreulich unaufgeregt und sehr anschaulich.

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