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Theresia Töglhofer - Zest for action

This is a novel of a young generation that wants to turn the united Europe into its playing field, only to find itself becoming a pawn in questionable political strategies.

Upon graduating, Hanna Fürst secures a highly competitive internship at the European External Office and is determined to make the most of the opportunity. Along with NGO activists Lej and Jakov, she is assigned to the “Future Working Group”, tasked with promoting the peaceful rapprochement of two warring neighbouring states on the margins of Europe. Amid the rapid pace of work, however, Hanna loses herself in the grey area between intrigue and networks. She succumbs to her fascination for the charismatic Lej, who seems to be the only one with any real plan. By refusing to get caught up in a war that has been happening since before they were born, the working group make an enemy not only of their institution but also the two nation states.

Book details

256 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701717897
Release date: 12.08.2024

License rights

  • World rights available
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Theresia Töglhofer

born 1985 in Graz. Studied history and international relations in Graz and Paris, then worked in Belgrade, Brussels, Vienna, Osijek and Berlin. Analyst for the EU's foreign and enlargement policy. Numerous scholarships and awards, including 2015 jury prize for prose at the 23rd Open Mike, 2017 scholarship holder of the Klagenfurt Literature Course, 2019 writing workshop of the Jürgen Ponto Foundation and 2023 shortlist of the Wortmeldungen Prize. Theresia Töglhofer lives in Berlin and Eastern Styria. "Tatendrang" (Zest for action) is her first novel.


„Tatendrang“ erzählt Europa von den billigen Plätzen aus: von den Rändern und aus der Perspektive der Not Very Important Persons. Humorvoll, rasant und mit einem Lupenblick, der mehr entlarvt als nur politische Plastiksprache
[Angela Lehner]

„Tatendrang“ gewährt Einblicke in die Arbeit verschiedener EU-Institutionen - klug und hochspannend erzählt.
[Quelle: Allegra Mercedes Pirker, ZIB]

Klug unterläuft Töglhofer alle gängigen und mit Impertinenz gewässerten Vorurteile über das Babylonien der EU-Bürokratie und deren sich sinnbefreit selbst verwaltende Kohorten. (…) Dass sie in alles noch einen zarten Liebesfaden spinnt, der immer wieder gar lieblich hervorblitzt, zeigt Talent für mehrdimensionales Erzählen.
[Quelle: Alexander Kluy, DER STANDARD]

Töglhofer trifft nicht nur den Ton erstaunlich gut, sondern kann auch mit ein paar echten Schmankerln aufwarten.
[Quelle: Wolfgang Huber-Lang, APA]

Schloss Ennsegg, Schlossgasse 4, 4470 Enns
Literaturhaus Salzburg, Strubergasse 23, 5020 Salzburg
Lesung und Gespräch
Haus der Kunst, Kabinett, Prinzregentenstraße 1, 80538 München
Steiermärkische Landesbibliothek, Kalchberggasse 2, 8010 Graz