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Ute Frevert

Ute Frevert

was born in 1954 and is one of Germany's most prominent historians. She has taught modern history in Berlin, Constance and Bielefeld. From 2003 to 2007 she was a professor at Yale University, since 2008 she heads the research area 'Geschichte der Gefühle' (history of emotions) at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin. In 1998 the German Research Foundation DFG awarded her the prestigious Leibniz Prize and in 2016 she received the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. Most recently published: "Die Politik der Demütigung. Schauplätze von Macht und Ohnmacht" (2017). Most recent publication at Residenz Verlag: "Märkte und Moral" (Markets and Morality, 2019).


Coverabbildung von 'Kapitalismus, Märkte und Moral'

Ute Frevert - Markets and Morality

With reference to the current demands for an 'ethical economy', Ute Frevert explores the difficult relationship between capitalism and morality, and asks whether all goods and services should be categorically and indiscriminately priced into the capitalist market model. Against the backdrop of current debates around common commodities such as water, and services such as assisted dying and prostitution, this question is more relevant than ever. Equally compelling are Frevert's observations on the expectations of fairness, justice and solidarity held by those who participate in today's globalised markets, be it as producers or consumers. What are the consequences of these expectations? Can they effect changes in the markets? And how have morality and economic practices developed in the course of modernity?