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Esther Kinsky - Disturbances

A brilliant examination of a multi-faceted concept: ‘disturbance’.

In this essay, Kinsky explores the human and natural influences on our environment that bring about fundamental changes. But what exactly characterises a disturbance, and how can we approach this negatively-charged word in a way that opens up unexpected avenues of thought? Esther Kinsky centres this essay around the concept of ‘disturbed land’. The term refers to a piece of land that is gradually being returned to a state of nature, generally after a period of very intensive use and appropriation by human beings. Drawing on various examples, Kinsky offers a powerful analysis of the tension between nature and culture, exploitation and reconquest, as well as historical pollution as a far-reaching field of disruption. Her perspective on the world leads to surprising and poetic insights.

Book details

Aus der Reihe "Unruhe bewahren".
80 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701735730
Release date: 25.09.2023

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  • World rights available
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Die Reihe UNRUHE BEWAHREN antwortet auf eine Gegenwartstendenz, die immer ungemütlicher wird. Dem Fortschritt der Moderne wohnt eine Verschleißunruhe inne, während die Vergangenheit zunehmend entwertet und die Zukunft ihrer Substanz beraubt wird. Dagegen steht das Prinzip Anachronie. Engagierte Zeitgenossenschaft sollte mit dem Mut zur Vorsicht ebenso wie mit der Leidenschaft für das Unzeitgemäße verknüpft werden. UNRUHE BEWAHREN ist daher auch das Motto, dem sich die Frühlings- und Herbstvorlesungen der Akademie Graz verschrieben haben.
Herausgegeben von Astrid Kury, Thomas Macho, Peter Strasser

Esther Kinsky

born in Engelskirchen and grew up in the Rhineland. She has been awarded numerous prestigious prizes for her wide-ranging body of work, which includes poetry, essays and narrative prose as well as translations from the Polish, Russian and English. The most recent of these was the Kleist Prize in 2022, but she has also been nominated several times for the German Book Prize. For Grove she won the 2018 Leipzig Book Fair Prize. Her most recent publications include: Slates (2020) and Rombo (2022), as well as Disturbances with Residenz Verlag (2023).


Nicht um Naturerfahrung geht es ihr, sondern darum, Abgelebtes, Verschüttetes, Überlagertes zur Sprache zu bringen. Ihr neuer Essay "Störungen" betont diese Sicht nachdrücklich.
Ein erhellendes Leseerlebnis!
[Quelle: Angela Gutzeit, MDR KULTUR]