Astrid Wintersberger
geboren 1963. Studien bislang: Philosophie, Rechtswissenschaften und Kunstgeschichte. Lektorin, Autorin, Übersetzerin aus dem Französischen. Senior Scientist an der Universität Salzburg. Im Residenz Verlag erschienen u. a. „Der kleine Wappler“, „Der Wappler Kalender (2016–2018)“.
H.C. Artmann
was born in 1921 in Vienna. He discovered several foreign languages at an early age, and lived for long periods in Stockholm, Lund, Berlin, Malmö, Bern, and Graz. In 1947 he published his first poem and continued writing poetry, drama and prose for the rest of his life. He was a founder member of the ‘Vienna Group’. His 1958 poetry collection “med ana schwoazzn dintn” shot him to fame. Following many other awards, in 1997 he won the “Georg Büchner Prize”. He lived between Vienna and Salzburg till his death in 2000.