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Coverabbildung von 'Die Reproduktionsmedizin und ihre Kinder'

Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim - Reproductive medicine and its progeny

Erfolge - Risiken - Nebenwirkungen

Designer babies and dream children – where are the ethical boundaries to what is technical possible?

Throughout the world, hi-tech reproduction medicine is paving the way for whole new forms of intervention into human life. Between supply and demand, a global market for dream-child medicine has grown up, its services ranging from in-vitro fertilisation to selecting the child’s sex, from illustrated catalogues of semen and egg-cell donors to the provision of surrogate mothers. Looking at this vast array, Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim asks some urgent, critical questions: are the wishes of parents choosing their ideal child compatible with that child’s needs? Should everything technically possible actually be done? And if not, what are the limits and who should define them?

Book details

from the series "Keeping Uncalm"
144 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701716555
Release date: 02.06.2016

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Coverabbildung von 'Land Down'

Klaus Oppitz - Land Down

A satire about the rise of the right, state power, resistance, and terrorism – as shrill and loud as if Monty Python had taken over the IS.

Under right-wing populist Michael Hichl, Austria has become a despotically ruled police state. Dissidents, foreigners, and homosexuals are made illegal, the country is run down, and border regions are abused as cheap production sites where the rural population and regime critics slave away in sweatshops. We meet some drifters cluelessly wandering around Austria: Emma with her dilettante assassination plans, opportunistic former callboy Pascal, Alwine who's searching for the love of her, and Wolferl the no-good son of Hichl's chief PR guy who can't get over the murder of his ex-girlfriend Valli Putschek. But something is going on in Upper Austria's impoverished Mühlviertel: Austria's first terror militia, the "Christian Republic" is making its way towards the hills around Linz. Just then the four lost souls cross paths and things quickly get out of hand.

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336 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701716586
Release date: 08.03.2016

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Coverabbildung von 'The creative human'

Wolfgang Ullrich - The creative human

Struggling for Ideas

On the difficulty of finding the creative You. An inspiring analysis. Ullrich's style is clear; he writes elegant, poignant, and precise texts, without the excessive emphasis typically found in this genre. [Christian Demand, BAYRISCHER RUNDFUNK]

Creativity has never been as topical as it is today. It is no longer the privilege of few, but is rather considered a basic human skill. If you want to be up to date, you better choose something like poetry or expressive dance, painting or spinning the decks. The pressure to be creative overwhelms a lot of people and produces more stress than release. As a result, many seek new ways to be creative and inspiration is in high demand. Consumer products advertise with mentally stimulating qualities, while the wellness industry thrives on the promise of uncovering hidden creativity deep within. And art is no longer expected to produce great masterpieces, but is rather called upon to create creative atmospheres. Creativity as a problem – Wolfgang Ullrich's unexpected ideas shed new light on the subject.

Book details

from the series "Keeping Uncalm"
120 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701733880
Release date: 08.03.2016

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Coverabbildung von 'Topography of Remembrance'

Martin Pollack - Topography of Remembrance

An infallible guide through our most painful, but necessary memories Martin Pollack is one of the leading authors in the field of East European history. His work is a continuous effort against forgetting the victims of the 20th century. [Georg Renöckel, NZZ]

"Topografie der Erinnerung" is a collection of the brilliant essayist's most striking speeches and articles. They deal with topics as diverse as the massacre of Reichnitz in the last weeks of the war; so-called "Reibepartien" (scrub groups) where Jews were humiliated and forced to scrub the street; the myth of Galicia; Poland and Ukraine's postwar history; or Pollack's own family's entanglement with the Nazis. His investigations are always astute and critical, they are always aimed at keeping memory alive and against false claims of innocence. Time and again he asks the key question of memory politics: How can and must we deal with these memories today?

Book details

with numerous illustrations
176 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701716487
Release date: 01.03.2016

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  • Italy
  • Ukraine
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Coverabbildung von 'Superheroines'

Barbi Marković Mascha Dabić (Translated by) - Superheroines

Breathtakingly weird: Barbi Marković's urban novel is an ode to pessimism and three truly contemporary superheroines

Every Saturday, three superheroines meet in a run-down café called Sette Fontane. There is Mascha, the brave supportive one, Direktorka, the inexperienced one ready for adventure, and Marija's granddaughter who has a flexible conscience and revenge in her veins. The three have dark, chaotic powers and want to bring justice to Vienna's suburbs as they plan a futile uprising of the middle class. "Lightening of Fate" and "Annihilation" are the weapons that grandma Marija already successfully used to destabilize an entire country. After failed appearances and painful years of learning in Berlin, Belgrade, Sarajevo and other cities, our three superheroines ultimately find triumph in the darkest of all happy ends.

Book details

with translations by Mascha Dabić
192 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701716623
Release date: 16.02.2016

License rights

  • France
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Coverabbildung von 'Nach fünfhundertzwanzig Weltmeertagen'

Martin Lechner - After five-hundred and twenty days of sea

Martin Lechner, a master of words, pulls out all the stops with his intriguing new story collection. Hurrah, they still exist! Mature literary debuts that shine with sophisticated language and a strong and convincing composition. (…) Sometimes expressionist prose full of stark contrasts where every feeling materializes, sometimes absurd theater of desperation, and then suddenly juicy and vibrant crime comedy in the style of German Comedian Helge Schneider… [Oliver Jungen, FAZ]

Lechner's stories collide like waves. They pass on words, images, or moods, flow into one another and yet, remain self-contained. They are uncanny and high-spirited and tell us about desperate lakes and knees to fall in love with. They are about films we vaguely remember and brightly lit cities, silently bursting bubbles of blood and summers long brushed aside. They are all at home in a language where something new and unexpected awaits behind each turn. Lechner achieves this feat with humor, the absurd and sentences that give us a touch of the ungraspable.

Book details

168 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701716661
Release date: 16.02.2016

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  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'Waiting for Gianni'

Susanne Scholl - Waiting for Gianni

A love story in seven years

Susanne Scholl tells a touching and humorous story of waiting and dreaming and of moments of truth that happen when we least expect them.

Lilly spends seven summers with her Italian friends on Sardinia, savoring the uncomplicated, delightful air of an endless vacation – and time spent with Gianni, who is the opposite of a Latin lover, but impossible to forget. Seven winters bring Lilly back to Vienna and the unpleasant routine of her daily life: Her ex-husband has a new, young girlfriend, her best friend dies of cancer, and her father comes out of the closet and writes a tell-all book about it. And so Lilly escapes into a fantasy world, dreaming of life with Gianni, of having a child. But the last summer forces her to finally bring her wishes and reality face to face.

Book details

220 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701716678
Release date: 26.01.2016

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Coverabbildung von 'Alphabet Soup'

Artur Bodenstein (Illustrated by) Bernhard Studlar (Edited by) - Alphabet Soup

A Literary Cookbook

Alphabet soup is a celebration of literary and culinary diversity, to be devoured on the page and the plate!

The successful intercultural theatre project “Wiener Wortstaetten” is celebrating its tenth birthday. Since 2005 it has hosted theatrical productions by writers from various countries speaking various languages and reflecting the diversity of the capital Vienna: Turkey, Russia, Iran, Bulgaria and states from the former Yugoslavia have all been represented. As well as enriching German-language literature with their stories, writing and performing for the ”Wiener Wortstaetten”, each writer also cooked unique soups, mixing ingredients from their old and new homes. Short stories and recipes by Ibrahim Amir, Susanne Ayoub, Ana Bilic, Seher Cakir, Yasmin Hafedh, Michal Hvorecky, Jérôme Junod, Ursula Knoll, Rhea, Krcmárová, Valerie Melichar, Barbi Markovic, Azar Mortazavi, Goran Novakovic, Dominic Oley, Ewald Palmetshofer, Thomas Perle, Semir Plivac, Julya Rabinowich, Andreas Sauter, Gerhild Steinbuch, Marianne Strauhs, Bernhard Studlar, Robert Woelfl

Book details

Wiener Wortstaetten
176 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701716562
Release date: 29.10.2015

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  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'Aluigi’s Protrait'

Alois Brandstetter - Aluigi’s Protrait

The incredible tale of an extremely chaste saint, his portrait and the painters Rubens and Van Dyck

Witty and inquisitive, Alois Brandstetter goes in search of his patron saint and namesake Aloysius. The journey takes him to Mantua in Italy at the turn of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The thoroughly chaste Aluigi, who died young, has just been beatified, and his mother is looking to have his portrait painted for the new church being built in his name. The job is offered to Rubens of all people, whose work celebrates the pleasures of the flesh, but he turns it down and recommends the boy wonder Van Dyck, nineteen and highly talented. Letters fly between Mantua and Amsterdam. Will Aluigi’s Portrait ever be painted? Perhaps not on canvas but certainly in the form of an enchanting historical fantasy created by Alois Brandstetter.

Book details

192 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701716470
Release date: 03.09.2015

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  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'the voice above the roofs'

Verena Mermer - the voice above the roofs

The ghost of freedom wanders the streets…

Baku, Azerbaijan, spring 2011: the city is in uproar, protests against the authoritarian regime are growing louder. In the midst of it are Ali and Nino, Frida and Che, two young couples fighting not only against state repression but for their love, for freedom and self-determination, for happiness and a life they can call their own. Yet Verena Mermer evokes more than just the political struggles and everyday life in one of the last dictatorships on Europe’s borders. Her wonderful debut also plays an enthralling game with its characters, with the times and places, the myths of revolution and love and lures us into the labyrinth of poetic invention.

Book details

160 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701716456
Release date: 27.08.2015

License rights

  • World rights available
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