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Coverabbildung von 'Neue Grenzen, offene Rechnungen'


A journey through Europe and it's unresolved history

Is there a solution to the brewing conflicts between nationalities? A compelling report from London to Transylvania.

A Hungarian prime minister makes a Jewish billionaire into public enemy number one for the sake of an anti-European election campaign. In Barcelona, nationalist politicians go to jail for a vague dream of freedom, and Britain's EU opponents orchestrate Brexit as a fight against German supremacy. Europe is undergoing the greatest crisis since WW2. Konrad Kramar has visited the current hot spots of trouble. Beyond the bluster of populist campaigning and anti-European agitation, he shines a light on the rifts in nations and societies and traces them back to their origins in war, violence and displacement. Kramar explains why current politics has no answers to these crises and shows where solutions might be found.

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256 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701734825
Release date: 24.09.2019

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Coverabbildung von 'Renée Schroeder'


All molecules always in motion

This biography of the unconventional biochemist is an inspiration and invitation to all women to go their own way.

Renée Schroeder is a multi-faceted woman. A biochemist based in Vienna, she fought her way to the top of the international scientific community. No small undertaking for a woman in this field. Now in her 'unretirement', she has started a new career on her own farm, researching wild herbs. Renée Schroeder's life has never been conventional. Born in Brazil in 1953, her family moved to Luxembourg when she was a child and then to the Austrian town of Bruck an der Mur. After training in Munich, Paris and the US, she settled in Vienna to build her career. A staunch atheist, she has fought many battles relating to science and feminism. This is a compelling biography about an extraordinary and strong-minded woman.

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mit zahlreichen Abbildungen
224 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701734887
Release date: 24.09.2019

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Coverabbildung von 'Die große Straße'

Peter Rosei - The great Road

Travel Chronicles

A wonderful book that takes the reader on new journeys across time and place.

Peter Rosei has always been on the move, led by an unfailing curiosity for landscapes and cities, people and their stories. 'The Great Road' for the first time brings together the chronicles of his travels across five decades and three continents. We get to know Peter Rosei as an acutely observant and knowledgeable traveller, who is open to impressions and images, scents and sounds. He steadily approaches the unknown and brings it close, without diminishing its fascination. This wonderfully labyrinthine book takes us from Peking to Los Alamos, from Seoul to Moscow, from Paris to Texas via Bratislava and Istanbul, brimming with the author's appreciation for the vibrancy of the world and the diversity of human life and survival.

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256 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701717170
Release date: 24.09.2019

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Coverabbildung von 'Nikolaus Harnoncourt. On the Thoughts of the Heart.'

Monika Mertl - Nikolaus Harnoncourt. On the Thoughts of the Heart.

A biography.

Die maßgebliche Biografie auf aktuellstem Stand

A highly successful biography, this book by the Viennese music journalist and author Monika Mertl presents the personality, artistic intentions and unconventional development of Nikolaus Harnoncourt, the famous Austrian conductor, from cellist to conductor, from ancient music specialist to universalist with a distinctive image. More than 15.000 copies of the original German edition, published in autumn 1999, have already been sold. Beyond the conventional biography, Mertl’s book is an invitation to meet the man behind the brilliant facade of artistic success, to reflect on music as well as on questions of partnership, family, religion, philosophy and humanity.

Book details

5. überarbeitete Auflage
430 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701732319
Release date: 27.08.2019

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Coverabbildung von 'Beate Uhse'

Katrin Rönicke - Beate Uhse

A Life against Taboos

Germany’s Mother Courage of taboo breaking

Naturist, stunt pilot and sex pioneer – today Beate Uhse has cult status, but in the 1970's she was despised. She was a trailblazer for sexual enlightenment, built an international emporium out of nothing and is regarded as Germany's most successful businesswoman of the 20th century. Committed to the education of women on matters of contraception, she started out in the late 40's by selling information brochures on the topic. This provided her with the necessary seed capital to expand her mail order business for "matrimonial hygiene". Soon Uhse had over a million customers and was able to open the world's first sex shop. But in her personal life things didn't always turn out the way she wished. Katrin Rönicke provides a gripping portrait of the private and professional life of this extraordinary woman.

Book details

with numerous illustrations
208 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701734665
Release date: 27.08.2019

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Coverabbildung 'Die Hyazinthenstimme'


Settecento Castle conceals a secret world. A world ruled by beauty, perfection – and unimaginable cruelty.

Hidden away at Settecento, the shady 'Tsar' runs a modern-day boarding school modelled on Baroque-era music academies. Here, highly gifted boys are trained – and castrated – to enable them to sing the most spectacular roles, like the castrati of Baroque music. When Timo, a young boy with a magical voice, flees to Vienna and his mentor Matteo sets off in search of him, the music world is forced to confront reality. Matteo becomes a street singer and is both the hunter and the hunted. The Tsar is on his tracks and, in order to find Timo, he has to hold his own in the tough world of the homeless. Imbued with the sounds of Baroque opera, Daria Wilke's breathtaking story tells of a secret society that is prepared to pay any price for beauty.

Book details

304 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701717200
Release date: 27.08.2019

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Coverabbildung von 'Meine angebetete Louise'

Otto Wagner Andreas Nierhaus (Edited by) Alfred Pfoser (Edited by) - My beloved Louise!

The Architect's Diary 1915-1918

Otto Wagner's diary of his final years – published for the first time.

October 26th 1915 was a fateful day for Vienna's leading architect and city planner. It was the day his wife Louise, 18 years his junior, died of cancer. Wagner had started to keep a diary when Louise was first diagnosed and continued to regularly record his memories of better days and comments on current developments. He intended the diary to be a memorial to is unparalleled love for Louise, yet it also reveals the misanthropic despair of a great artist. He considered himself to be at the peak of his craft and felt a Habsburg victory was close, bringing fresh opportunities to realise his plans. But old age afflictions and the miseries of WW1 took a growing toll on his day-to-day life. Rampant anti-Semitism, suffering and paranoia increasingly defined his thoughts. Three years on, the death of this patriarch coincided with the end of the Habsburg empire.

Book details

mit zahlreichen Abbildungen
312 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701734900
Release date: 27.08.2019

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Coverabbildung von 'Der Keller'

Thomas Bernhard Lukas Kummer (Illustrated by) - The Cellar

A Withdrawal

The second volume of Lukas Kummer's highly praised graphic novel series based on Thomas Bernhard's "Autobiographische Schriften".

In the second of his autobiographical works, Thomas Bernhard tells of the decision to remove himself from his life. Rather than continue attending school, he starts an apprenticeship in the cellar of a grocery store, on the outskirts of the detested town, in the ghetto of the have-nots and criminals. There he becomes acquainted with society's outcasts. He feels drawn to them and learns for the first time what it means to be accepted and to be 'useful'. Day-to-day life in the cellar turns out to be therapeutic. This place of limbo becomes a refuge, until a severe illness puts a sudden end to Bernhard's apprenticeship. In 'The Cellar', Lukas Kummer finds a relaxed pictorial language for the author's narrative tone. With precise strokes, Kummer accompanies Thomas Bernhard through what was probably the brightest period of his youth and throws a congenial light on the 'cellar'.

Book details

112 pages
format:170 x 240
ISBN: 9783701717163
Release date: 27.08.2019

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Coverabbildung von 'Tanz der Elemente'

Michael Pilz - Dance of the elements

On the beauty of the periodic table

Chemistry is the most joyful science of our time.

Everything consists of a few building blocks, the elements. Nature, people, every single thing. One-hundred-and-fifty years ago, St. Petersburg scientist Dmitri Mendeleev applied a systematic order to all matter. Every element found its permanent place in the periodic table. But the periodic table has always been more than just a chart in the chemistry lab. Michael Pilz brings it to life by recounting the story from the beginning, and looking into the future at the end. He tells us about the old ores and elements of nature and about the antique concept of the four great elements. From the divine art of alchemy through to the scientific world of the periodic table and beyond, he provides a cultural history of world views and describes chemistry as the most joyful science of our time.

Book details

224 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701734832
Release date: 27.08.2019

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Coverabbildung von 'Die Damen des Hauses'

Susanne Scholl - LADIES OF THE HOUSE

With courage, humour and honesty, four women confront the big question of what kind of life we should, can and want to have in our old age.

Four women at the end of a life stage – and at the beginning of a new one, in which they strike out on an unconventional path with humour and solidarity. Ella finds herself alone in her large period apartment. Finally alone? Or lonely after all? There's Rada, the Rumanian carer of her deceased husband, and Ella's sister, the colourful Maggie, who has returned after her international career. And there’s her neighbour Luise, who's been left for a younger woman. What kind of life do they want to have in their old age? What's possible? What's permitted? Will they be invisible or invincible? Fulfilled or frustrated? And most importantly – will they each live alone or all together? Their answer is brave and unconventional – and soon Ella's large apartment is full of life and heated discussions about politics, family ... and sex.

Book details

2. Auflage Dezember 2019.
248 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701717194
Release date: 13.08.2019

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